my library

My library in Lebanon

On this website, (or you can go directly to: ), is a listing of my books in Lebanon.  You can search for them under categories, and send me a note if you want to borrow any of the books.  (My Arabic books have not been posted yet.)

A fuller (though still incomplete) listing of my books (in Lebanon) is also available at

You can find books in the following categories:

  • Environment / Economics
  • Environmental Literature
  • Politics / History / Economics
  • Activism specifically
  • Public Speaking
  • Pedagogy
  • Religion
  • Writing
  • Literature
  • Other nonfiction
  • Spirituality

Here is a listing of the documentaries and other DVDs I have. These are not listed on The Shelf

1.    Winged Migration
2.    March of the Penguins
3.    Thirst (DVD and VHS)
4.    Micro-cosmos
5.    Baraka
6.    Aamakaar: The Turtle People.
7.    Ahmed and the return of the Arab Phoenix
8.    Salmnonera. A documentary film by Brent McDonald.
9.    An Inconvenient Truth.
10.    Global Warming: The signs and the science. Hosted and narrated by Alanis Morissette. PBS.
11.    Life and Debt
12.    The Corporation
13.    Iraq for Sale
14.    Why We Fight
15.    The Fourth World War
16.    Wal-Mart
17.    Distorted Morality
18.    Preventive Warriors
19.    Soldiers Speak Out. (re: US soldiers against the war on Iraq)
20.    Writers on the Border: A Journey to Palestine
21.    A Summer not to Forget. By Carol Mansour. (re: July 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon)
22.    Memories of Ras Beirut. By M. Hojeij.
23. Blue Gold. (on water)
24. 11th hour (on climate change)


  1. Hi Doctor,
    Can I borrow the book “An inconvenient truth” by Al Gore?
    Thank you

  2. Fouad: Please pick another book. Ecologie du Liban is not a book suitable to be critiqued for this class.
    -Rania Masri

  3. Dear Farid: Please pick another book. “An Inconvenient Truth” (the book) does not include enough text to warrant it being read as a book.

    -Rania Masri

  4. Hi Doctor,
    I would like to check the book “Water, Politics, and Public Involvement” by Pierce and Doerksen if possible.
    Thank you

  5. Hello Dr. Rania,
    Can I reserve book # 28 “The world without us”
    I used the word reserve because I want to borrow it during the easter vacation if possible.
    Also, I would like to borrow “An inconvenient truth” not for the critique thingy. Thanks in advance.

  6. Dear Peter – Could you please pick another book, one a bit longer?

  7. hi Dr rania
    i would like to borrow the book
    # 3: hope human and wild
    thank you

    • Apnlaeptry this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.

    • Slutter meg til Inger Marits kommentar. Jeg tror du mÃ¥ være glad for ditt gode humør og positive innstilling! Du har en utrolig meningsfull jobb!

  8. Hi Dr., can I please borrow book number 47. Our Stolen Future.
    Thank you

  9. Hello Dr;
    I was looking through the books but couldn’t really make a choice…Can you help me please?
    I’ll most probably go for a book in the litterature section.
    Dr,I just want to remind you about our meeting on wednesday at 8:30.
    Thank you.

  10. Bring The Poisonwood Bible for Jessica

  11. Jessica K. from Ecology has borrowed ‘Strange as the weather has been’

  12. Hi Doctor,
    I would like please to borrow thr book: A Language Older than Words, By Derrick Jensen.

    Thank You in advance

  13. hi Dr Masri can i please borrow the book Indian Givers: How the Indians of the Americas Transformed the World. By Jack Weatehrford. (number 5 in the list)

    Thank you

    • The hotseny of your posting shines through

    • Kedves Kata!Ameddig nem jelentkezik a szolgáltató (72 órán belül, ami elvileg hétfÅ‘n jár le), addig semmit sem tudunk tenni. Sajnos Nagyhalászban nem tudunk másik internetszolgáltatóhoz fordulni, mert nincs több.Ãœdv,Karcsi

  14. hi Dr. Rania please i want to borrow “A Language Older than Words. By Derrick Jensen” number 65 in the list

  15. hi Dr. Rania please i want to borrow “A Language Older than Words. By Derrick Jensen” number 65 in the list.

  16. Hey Dr.Rania, i was wonderin if i could borrow the book titled “Valuing the Earth. Edited Daly and Townsend” it’s the book number 60 in the list.
    Thank you

  17. hello DR.RANIA
    i would like please to borrow this book: “Birds without Wings”. It’s the book number 188 in the list.
    thank you

  18. Hi Doctor,
    I would like please to borrow the book: Ecopolitics
    (number 56 in the list).

    Thank You in advance

    • Hienohan tuo on, ei äitiä pidä aina kuunnella. Mulla ei ole mielikuvaa pietarilaisesta katupojasta… Niiden vanhojen perinteisten mielikuvienko mukaan ne ostokset tehdään, eikä sen mukaan, mistä itse tykkää? Mulle pitää olla huppu, mutta en viitsisi millään lähteä etsimään sellaista sopivaa, mikä ei kahise… jneAllergisille voisi joku kehitellä päähineen, johon on piilotettu kirurgin maski – semmosta tarvis ainakin lapset, mut vaihdettavalla suojuksella tietysti! Lisää roskaa? Ei sentään – parempi sekin kuin lä¤Ãkejäämillä pilatut pohjavedet jne…

    • Não Pedro, se os responsaveis pelo ciclismo mundial decidem alterar certos regulamentos ou comportamentos talvez haja razão para isso não achas ?Eu estou farto de ver provas a serem mal conduzidas , ainda com a agravante de o espectaculo sair penalizado, quem é que não gosta de ver o ciclismo de ataque ?

    • I still believe that Ms. Milligan, my kindergarten teacher should still be at my old elementary school decked out ’70s style with open arms. So what if I left and grew up? She should still be there damn it!

    • I’ve been wanting to do a reread of DG for a long time, so team Dorian it is for me ! I’d like to read J and H also if I have the time…we’ll see.I had fun with Dueling Monsters last year, looking forward to doing it again this year.

  19. hello Dr Rania,
    plz may I borrow the book n#25 : Water Wars. By Vandana Shiva. Thank you!!

  20. Myassar – please note that I can bring you that book, but only after the break since that book is in my apartment in Beirut and not in my office here.

  21. hi Dr. Rania…

    plz i would like to remind you to get me the book about extinction you told me about in class.

    Thank you very much.

  22. Hello dr.
    I wanted to remind you that I now have the book “Sick Planet”
    I will return “Living Downstream” to you on wednesday

  23. hi dr. Rania, can i plz borrow, ” Monster of God. By David Quammen.” nb 20 on z list, or “The World Without Us. By Alan Weisman.”, nb 28 on z list, ur choice, pick me something fun 🙂 thank you.

    Hiba Radwan

    • grazie, in realta’ era pronta da tempo, solo che speravo che qualcuno si facesse avanti per la parte video..(io sono abbastanza stonata), poi non ho trovato ancora la base musicale, a parte il miigo.bis.dnerebbe chiedere a Venditti, ma non so se si presterebbe..

    • She is too freaking adorable. She's got wonderful style and a knack for putting together prints but I think you're right…she is a little too thin. Her legs look like they're about to snap. BUT you can't negate that quirky style.

  24. Hiba – Please choose other books. Both those books are checked out already.


  25. N. Masri has borrowed the book ‘The Desert Smells Like Rain’ – to be returned on June 23, 2009

  26. Hello Dr
    Please note that I have already returned both books that I borrowed from you.
    Thank you

  27. Hi Dr. Rania can I please borrow, “The End of Nature by Bill MCKIBBEN”.

    Thank you very much 🙂

  28. hi Dr. Rania can i borrow “Educating for a culture of a social and ecological peace”

  29. hi Dr. Rania you told me to remind you to get me ” The End of Nature” + ” The Biology of Belief” !!

    Thank you 😀

  30. just because i didn t know exactly the english exact name :
    eugene zamiatin “We”
    you ll like it… Good luck with your Nissan and see you soon with news about Peugeot…

  31. Hello Dr,
    Can I please borrow the book “Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein?
    Thank you:)

  32. Dear Dr. Masri,
    i am Taking your PDHP212 class and i would love to read a book. But, i am fiding difficulties chosing. Do you suggest anything?

  33. Hi Dr Rania
    Please can I borrow the book development — at what price?, But I’m confused between the last one and the inconvenient truth. Please can you help me, anyway I may need both.
    Thank you

    • di;&ebspt:lns végés, les amygdales ou les yoyos ?bon rassure toi, la mienne qui a à peine deux ans et demi est déjà passée deux fois sur le billard pour ces bêtises, et je crois que visiblement elle est pas du tout trauma :)et puis sinon jeanine medicament blues …

  34. hi Dr. Rania i ama a studenr in BIOL 207 I want to read a book but i’m finding it hard to choose one. can i ask for your help, I love books that are related to our daily life nit a fiction book snd not so long. thank you

  35. Heyy Dr . I’m a student in your biol 207 class and i need your help in choosing a book. ”Blink” is it a book related to what we should read? If not please help me finding a book that is somehow related to human spirits and kind of philosophy if possible. Thank You.

  36. Hi Dr Rania,
    i would like to borrow the book “Prodigal Summer” by Barbara Kingsolver in order to read it as you requested.
    Thank you,

  37. hello dr
    i want to ask you can i borrow the book: the bastard of istanbul?
    thank you.

  38. Hi Doctor Rania…
    I told you in class that i was interested in the book about the dust but looking at the shelfari reviews I was more interested in a book called “Blessed Unrest” could i please borrow that book?

    Thanks! 🙂

  39. Hi Doctor,
    Since it isn’t possible to read “Blessed Unrest” could I please borrow one of the three following books? I guess just choose which one is easiest for you to reach or which one you personally like more…
    – “Beyond Slash, Burn and Poison: Transforming Breast Cancer Stories into Action” by Marcy Jane Knopf Newman
    – “The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience” by Wangari Maathai
    – “A Language Older than Words” by Derrick Jensen
    Thank you!

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