Posted by: r.m. | February 1, 2011

Tunis. Egypt.

Tunis. Egypt.

Popular revolution. Revolution of the people.

Not a military coup d’etat.

Not a politically-centralized, orchestrated campaign in which people follow the designs of certain politicians. (Example: not the so-called ‘Cedar Revolution,’ also known as the Potato Revolution).

No. This is a popular revolution. This is a revolution of the people.

Nor is it a revolt orchestrated by facebook or twitter. Or one stimulated by foreign speeches and foreign persona.

What will happen tomorrow? Who will head the government in Tunisia? Who will head the government in Egypt? Those questions are secondary to the action that is happening now: a popular revolt.

Already, the paradigm has shifted.

The paradigm shifted during the 1st and 2nd Intifada – when the world took note of people arising and resisting – literally – in the face of tanks while armed with only stones and indestructible dignity. The paradigm shifted in May 2000 when the Israeli army – the strongest army in the region and the 4th (or is it the 6th?) strongest army in the world (it all depends on how destructive power is measured) – when this army – this terrorist force – unilaterally withdrew from occupied land, without any treaty of surrender. May 2000 was another paradigm shift. The paradigm shifted in May 2006 when Israel’s military power could not create a political or military victory in Lebanon; it could kill, yes, but it could not subvert.

All those victories created a paradigm shift: Israel can be stopped. We can stand up to Israel.

Tunis, though, Tunis and Egypt — the popular revolt of the people — the paradigm shift here is greater!  The departure of Ben Ali from Tunis and the soon to be departure of Mubarak from Egypt – the paradigm shift here is greater!

The people CAN rise up. The people CAN change a leadership.

Just a few weeks ago, I heard the same comments I’d be hearing for years: we the Arabs need a dictatorship. We the Arabs need a military coup d’etat. The “people” are dumb. The “people” are sheep. Ironically, the folks making these comments were never part of the “people” they were condemning.

Now, in Tunis, and in Egypt – the people are rising. The people are leading. The people are organizing. The people are protecting themselves. The people are building something beautiful.

Stop for a second. Relish in this concept.

People believed – and believe – they can make a change. Hope is a powerful element. A very powerful element.

These people are us. Here.

What other myths will be broken? By the people.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by A Naqvi, Rania Masri. Rania Masri said: breaking myths – Tunis. Egypt. […]

    • Now i feel that i’m an ARAB CITIZEN. We, the nationalist, always said that our nation never die. This great and blessed revolutions in Tunis and Maser must continue until they get not only there rights, but the freedom of all arabic nation.
      As Palestine was always and still the sentiment of the Arab…As Iraq was always and still the destiny of the Arab…As tunis was and still the freedom of the Arab….Also Egypt was and still the mother land, from where all the revolutions were born.
      My dad always told me that this is the land never surrender…he was praying to stay alive until he see again the real revolutions after 4 decades of sluggishness. Today we are all happy….and believe me, this is just the start. The GIANT is awake….he didn’t walk yet.
      Viva Tunisia, Viva Egypt, Viva Palestine, Viva Lebanon, Viva Iraq….Viva our Nation

  2. […] Green Resistance points to wonders of people power in changing the paradigm in the region: Just a few weeks ago, I heard the same comments I’d be hearing for years: we the Arabs need a dictatorship. We the Arabs need a military coup d’etat. The “people” are dumb. The “people” are sheep. Ironically, the folks making these comments were never part of the “people” they were condemning. […]

  3. My dad always told me that this land never surrender

  4. […] Green Resistance لقوة الشعب العظيمة في تغيير الأنظمة في المنطقة: Just a few […]

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