BIOL 207

BIOL 207


SyllabusBIOL 207 2011 syllabus (note: this syllabus is old. A new updated syllabus is in your dropbox folder!)

Directions for book critique –> ecology-critical-book-review

Directions for article commentary –> For extra credit points, read and comment on any article posted from February 2010  onwards  in the categories of environment, agriculture, ecology, and/or climate change on the main page ( You are welcome to comment on all articles on the website, but you only get potential credit for commenting on environmentally-related, recent articles.

For your practice tests and study aids and your chapter quizzes – go to:, click on ‘The Economy of Nature – 6th edition,’ and then click on Q&A Self Tests, register as a student, include my email( as your instructor’s email, and begin doing each of the chapter quizzes after we finish that chapter in the class. The online quizzes are due 2 days after the class introduces the chapter.

Lectures: from the book, ‘The Economy of Nature – 6th edition.’ I suggest bringing these slides to class, and taking careful notes. Do not depend solely on these presentations. You should read the chapter, take notes during class, and use the slides as your guide.

* Homework assignments are not included in these presentations. It is your responsibility to attend class and take note of the homework assignments.

* These lectures are from earlier presentations. There may be some changes.

Chapter 1:ch01 (Chapter 1 – ch01-part 1ch01-complete

Chapter 2:ch02

Chapter 3: ch03

Chapter 4: chapter 4 or this version – eco-chapter 4

–> Willis et al paper (optional to read) -> willis et al

–> for more information on trade winds, see this simple presentation –> more info on trade winds

–> still curious about trade winds? optional paper – check this history of trade winds and hadley cell – 2persson_hadley

Optional Readings on Climate Change and Public Health

  • Adapting to Climate Change: Public Health. (An Initiative of the Climate Policy Program at RFF. 2009) -( an optional read; available upon request)
  • the presentation on climate change and public health –> climate change public health for ecology

Chapter 5:ch05

– supporting material for chapter 5: another view of biomes and see more images of traditional biomes and more images herehere and

* anthropogenic biomes (not in the textbook but you are responsible for this information and analysis):

Read this text: (

– Anthropogenic ppt ->anthromes_v1

Climate change, public health, and biomes –> cc and biomes and public health

Chapter 6 –>ch06 or this eon6e_ch06

– Excellent article on Evolution —  Evolution Is Change in the Inherited Traits of a Population through Successive Generations

chapter 7 and 8








ch27 2

iman’s presentation on rabbits: Columbia basin pygmy rabbit – by iman

end of semester material for Fall 2011/2012



Chapter 7 –> chapter 7 only

Homework: Answer these three questions thoughtfully and carefully and, of course, in correct English

(1) How do I personally contribute to climate change? (examine your lifestyle — from your diet to your consumption to your home). Note: To answer this question, you should examine your ‘footprint.’ What is an ecological footprint. As explained by the Happy Planet Index, “[t]he ecological footprint of an individual is a measure of the amount of land required to provide for all their resource requirements plus the amount of vegetated land required to sequester (absorb) all their CO2 emissions and the CO2 emissions embodied in the products they consume. This figure is expressed in units of ‘global hectares’. The advantage of this approach is that it is possible to estimate the total amount of productive hectares available on the planet. Dividing this by the world’s total population, we can calculate a global per capita figure on the basis that everyone is entitled to the same amount of the planet’s natural resources.”

So, to answer question (1), go to one  The Global Footprint Network website (, and read the information they have, and then you can go to one of the following sites:  The Ecological Footprint Quiz (here), or The Global Footprint Network (and assume we live in Turkey), or go to the website of the World Wildlife Fund and spend 5 minutes calculating the information (here) – but keep in mind that that calculation is designed for folks living in the UK so some of the questions won’t apply to you. There are other sites, of course. The links I provided are a selection of those sites.  One other avenue you may use is an excel sheet to calculate your footprint with more accuracy and detail. Go here:

(2) What will I actually change in my behavior?

(3) Assuming I have ultimate power in the world, what new world would I create? What is my vision for a healthier world — healthier from an environmental perspective, recognizing that the environment cannot be separated from the economy and from our philosophies.

Deadline: PDHP class: 2nd of May. BIOL class: 5th of May

Chapter 8: chapter 8- or this shorter ppt – new chapter 8-

Note: We are using a new book for the following chapter(s). Please see the  FHS library (PDHP students) or the bookstore (BIOL students) for the chapters

Chapter 9: chapter 9 – new book – eco

Chapter 10: chapter 10

— The vote is in. Most of you do not like the new book. So we will revert back to the old book.

PDHP students – please answer this survey today

Chapter 22 – in the old book – ch22

Readings: Livestock and environment – (1) Livestock a major threat to environment. FAO 2006 report. (2) Comments on that report continue. Read this article

— Attention BIOL 207 Students —

Exam 1 grades will consist of three quizzes for Chapters 3 – 5 (+ anthropogenic biomes) on the following dates: May 12 (Chapter 3), May 19 (Chapter 4), and May 21 (Chapter 5 + anthropogenic biomes).

Exam 2 will be on May 14 (chapters 6, 7, 8 from the old book; chapters 9 and 10 from the new book).

Next chapter: Chapter 23.

powerpoint for 23 -> ch23

please note that you are responsible for the information on acid rain noted in chapter 23 and that was mistakenly omitted from the slides.

[If you’re having difficulty with Chapter 23, this is an excellent site to review.]

Next Chapter: chapter 26 ch26 [note that the first half of the slides are review from chapters 9 and 10 in the new book]

–>  reading to accompany that chapter: Instant Expert: Endangered Species and be familiar with the IUCN red list (


next chapter is 27 and then additional material


Since all the students asked for more information on the link between ecology and human health, we will be spending time with Rachel Carson’s classic book – Silent Spring. Copies of the select chapters will be in the respective places (library at FHS, and bookstore at Main Campus).

Please also spend some time with these updated articles:


Homework: – due May 31st

Homework: Answer these three questions thoughtfully and carefully and, of course, in correct English

(1) How do I personally contribute to climate change? (examine your lifestyle — from your diet to your consumption to your home). Note: To answer this question, you should examine your ‘footprint.’ What is an ecological footprint. As explained by the Happy Planet Index, “[t]he ecological footprint of an individual is a measure of the amount of land required to provide for all their resource requirements plus the amount of vegetated land required to sequester (absorb) all their CO2 emissions and the CO2 emissions embodied in the products they consume. This figure is expressed in units of ‘global hectares’. The advantage of this approach is that it is possible to estimate the total amount of productive hectares available on the planet. Dividing this by the world’s total population, we can calculate a global per capita figure on the basis that everyone is entitled to the same amount of the planet’s natural resources.”

So, to answer question (1), go to one  The Global Footprint Network website (, and read the information they have, and then you can go to one of the following sites:  The Ecological Footprint Quiz (here), or The Global Footprint Network (and assume we live in Turkey), or go to the website of the World Wildlife Fund and spend 5 minutes calculating the information (here) – but keep in mind that that calculation is designed for folks living in the UK so some of the questions won’t apply to you. There are other sites, of course. The links I provided are a selection of those sites.  One other avenue you may use is an excel sheet to calculate your footprint with more accuracy and detail. Go here:

(2) What will I actually change in my behavior?

(3) Assuming I have ultimate power in the world, what new world would I create? What is my vision for a healthier world — healthier from an environmental perspective, recognizing that the environment cannot be separated from the economy and from our philosophies.



  1. eh wallaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

  2. I would like to share this quote i like with you:
    “Our environmental problems originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as the central nervous system or the brain of nature. We’re not the brain, we are a cancer on nature.”
    by Dave Foreman.

  3. Thank you Mireille for sharing this quote, Now i can sleep peacfully !!!!

  4. hahaaaaa!!! not nice!!!
    be a man or a “woman” and declare yourself!!!!

  5. ONE hot summer, the lake in which two Frogs lived was
    completely dried up, and they were obliged to set off in
    search of water elsewhere. Coming to a deep and
    deliciously cool well, one of the Frogs proposed that they
    should jump in at once. “Wait a bit,” cried the other;
    “if that should dry up, how could we get out again?”
    what do you understand from that??

  6. Thank you Majed for sharing this beautiful story, now i can tell it to my kids and later my grandkids, so they can sleep without nightmares.

  7. Dear anonymous you seen so clever and talented.would you share with us a comment that’s not copy and paste!

  8. thank you Majed for this great story. I’m not sure i got it right, but i understood from it that we are not the only creatures that can think! maybe thinking here is a kind of metaphor for adaptation where the frog could learn from a previous experience and was able to predict the future basing on the past and on the concept that the future will resemble the past.

  9. Majed this is anonymous number 1
    This example affects academic integrity, in another way you plagiarized!!!!
    Please note the link below for more “great stories”

    Therefore now you’re now not plagiarizing.

    As for Mr anonymous number 2, yes i know that, you’ll get some of my wisdom soon.

  10. very nice anonymous!!!!! we love u sooooo much… kisses

  11. since we are studying about climate change, New Moore island is a perfect example. It’s a small island between Bangladesh and India that has become completely submerged. Here’s an article describing the incident:

    hopefully we’ll learn from our mistakes

  12. Rami I think this article is really interesting I agree with all of the above, I didn’t know that an island is surrounded by water!
    I was really moved (15 Km or more)

    Dear anonymous number 2 here is some of my wisdom for your ecology class and later for life.

    Where is the use if you care but you would not share?

  13. We’ve been continuously talkink about problems, here is the link to a place where you could find solutions:

  14. Don’t you think that writing 3 essays at a time is too much for an ecology course as a part of our major biology courses! i’m starting to feel that i am taking an ECO-english course! 😦

  15. Dear Mireille,

    The first two questions are not essays. And since you want to discuss how this class is relevant to our life, then the questions become all the more relevant.

    And, since biology students at UOB do not take enough writing, then a bit of extra writing becomes necessary.

    Lastly, the idea of these homework assignments is to provide different means of evaluation (i.e. your grade) so that the grade of the class is not fully dependent on exams. Since the exam grades are not that great, this option should be good news to you all.


  16. i agree with Mireille, it is enough that we had to go through at least 2 english courses, i do not think that we should suffer more with english in a science course…It is also important to note that english is not our native language and for most of us not even our second language and therefore we do not really have to master it as if we were americans or british or something.I think that most of us have reached a good level in english with respect to our situations…

  17. i totally agree with the both coments, i think that we should focus more on the ecological part than the language. After all we have already done a full summary for an artical and a homework. i feel like i’m back to ENGL 201

  18. Honestly, in all my four years of teaching Ecology, I have yet to meet a class that complains this much.

    Suffer with more English?

    I am asking you all to consider your own lives, to apply what we are learning to your own lives, and to envision a better world. To do so, yes, you will have to write it in English since the teaching language at the UOB is in English.

    Truly, I am constantly surprised how much students want to be cheated out of their own education.


  19. Perhaps I should go back and teach this class as I taught Ecology 2 years ago. By now we would have been through at least 12 chapters.

  20. i do not believe that the course description includes english litterature. If i am wrong than the cyllabus needs to be changed

  21. To anonymous: Apparently you do need so english courses since syllabus is with an “s” not with a “c” No offence :p

  22. Lol! offense not offence

  23. mmm..interesting discussion….instead of writing all this you could have done your homework…so mireille and anonymous people stop nagging….

  24. i wonder why biology students have to write ecology essays??? already the Bs in biology is 25% english and philosophy if u count the credits…

  25. Dear Anonymous

    English literature?

    What English literature am I asking you to read, or to write about? Literature?

    I ask you to think. To critically examine your lives. And you speak of literature? Either you are grossly overestimating your writing skills and comparing a response to three questions as “literature” – or you are proving that you do need to focus more on thinking and writing and that this exercise is relevant.


  26. Dear Dr. Rania

    I totally respect the way you are giving your course and the level of devotion toward it, and I believe that you aim to “teach us” and not to” give us a grade.” I would prefer that most biology courses (genetic, cell, biochemistry, molecular biology, nutrition and animal physiology) should do the same, since they catch my interest.
    Ecology and I have lots of chemistry, in the same way that nitroglycerine and peroxide do!
    No offence intended but really ecology is a “BULKY” course that minimally interests me.
    And in the same way that you are adsorbed to ecology, I’m adsorbed to other courses too.
    If I had the ability to clone your teaching strategies I would clone in into the courses that interest me the most! Because I know that no other professor at UOB is putting so much effort in the task he is doing as you do!( As searching for articles on the internet, correcting homework, and pushing us to think “outside the box”……..)

    As for the English part:
    A 3 month course won’t be efficient to teach us “a healthy grammar.” This job should have been accomplished by the English department instead of being a covered way for UOB to “snatch” some money. The English department is no more than a “pain in the ass.” In addition these weak educational systems of high schools are another cause of our weak language. However remember that we are taught 3 languages in Lebanese schools, compared to 1 or 2 in foreign schools, and our native language is Arabic, therefore we do not speak it a lot in public. Our expression in English is a translation of thoughts in Arabic!

    Ma 3am Bayyid wijj, This is really what I think!

  27. where and how can we know our grades in BIOL 207 please whoever reads this and has an answer please answer thanks

  28. Guys honestly i feel like dealing with children; i don’t know how most of you are planning to get into med school with this mentality. It doesn’t make any sense the way you’re complaining. What english course is it? i mean you can’t write a good english paragraph about a human or social issue. We are scientists! but we’r humans first.If you really know some english like you are saying, you would notice that EXTRA credit means that you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. So simply don’t do it. Don’t write essays or answer questions because it’s really annoying the way you are dealing with it; honestly i don’t wanna take the rest of the course with a pissed Dr because of students even complaining from EXTRA credits. So don’t do the homework and let us enjoy the rest of the course!

  29. Thank you pamela!!!

  30. Dear Pamela

    My dear, don’t worry. The “pissed dr.” has eased her anger and will no longer be venting at the class due to a few bad behaviors. Or, I promise to try not to be pissed 🙂

    I do want you all to enjoy the course — and I will continue to try to make the material fun (or less painful ; -)

    cheers to all

  31. I am starting to like this course!!!!! Nice punishment…we all deserve it even those of us who didn’t cheat!!!!!!!!it is a lesson to be remembered… i like the way u see things Dr. and if only there are few more people like you in balamand….

  32. HEHEHE. Totally true since many of those who have preveous exams usually hide them from other people to have the advantages of having better grades and going into med. fi hypocracy bel mawdou3….btestehlo kelkoun

  33. It seems that you two are a bunch of stupid that rely on previous to pass their exams, Go and get a life. We have other courses too to STUDY for.
    Please do not generalize about the med acceptance, I got a good grade on the MCAT (don’t tell anyone I had the MCAT previous!), instead of “whitening teeth” and wasting time on comments go study for you freaking tests instead of waiting for previous.

  34. Jack, wlak 7atta el mcat previous ma3ak ye!!! wlooooo

  35. still till now ma 3m bifham leh ba3idna mne5oud ecology major course…chi ktir bichi3!

  36. borrrinngggggggggggggggggggg!!!!

  37. we all gonna fail our other courses killo min wara test 1 ecology!!good for nothing merci

  38. The Only Thing I Would Remember From This Course Is How To Torture Students.

  39. Bah Bah Bah Stupid!!!!!!!!!

  40. guys at least have some repspect to the Dr. complain but in a more sivilized way.

  41. civilized*

  42. yeahhh civilized!! hahah

    • We are truly at the start of a new era in our history. To be honest, when I first arrived at this site about a year ago I was just trying to find something entertaining to look at but this blog has been super helpful and informative. Crazy odd, this website was already loaded when I started my computer. You really have an amazing sense of humor. I am going to like you on Google Plus.

  43. Really guys you should check the ecology 2009 page, we have broken the record of the longest page of comments!

  44. plz dr, could u put our grades on the web??

  45. Ms. Rania please can u post the questions on the web so that we start studying ?

  46. “we are a part of nature, not apart from nature.”

  47. it looks like some people have lots of time to take quotes from the book chedo halkoun w ma 3am befham kif hal2ad 3aychina la hek course
    baraka el allah fikoum

  48. bob marley was a vegetarian he only smoked weed so respect for the people who take good care of our nature at the end of the day “no woman no cry” even if ur god was a woman

  49. I never raped children

  50. im not anorexic

  51. i love brad pitt

  52. ana lastou hachacha ana motriba

  53. im not black ur blind

  54. yaaaaaaaaa beyrouuuuuth

  55. ana mouch ananiyya

  56. ana mech khouroung ana kingi kong

  57. i am saint

  58. 2idak 2idak 2idak 2idak
    2ou3a tchawberli b 2idak
    jallis w 7kini mazbout

  59. This remark in targetted to the commentor above me.

    If u please many of us refer to this site for educational purposes as well as an information base for any ecological or political\social news. the last thing we need is a hopeless loser like yourself spamming. plz respect this site and the people who comment on it.

  60. lebnaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaannnn ya 2ot3it samaaaaaaaaaaAAAAaaa!!!!

  61. Honestly, what are you like 12, grow up why don’t you. I see that retardation suits you well.

  62. I am hot to a degree i could be a threat for global warming…what can i do? 😛

  63. Bil Fa7em wil she7bar Ghanneit lal mondial

  64. I’m against using animal skins for clothing, that why i love to show my skin

  65. Tik tik tik kan bil 7a2li 3am yo2touf 5aw5 w remman

  66. Let the rain fall down in the tropics

  67. Use Extra Borojo

  68. Hopeless shame…

  69. Joanna ya bayyid wijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

  70. thanks Dr. for the raise!

  71. Dr Rania, what can i tell you?
    Look at the names of the ecology students that you had on the Fall semester 2010-2011; you had names from Shakira to Bin Ladan to Pamela anderson to Majida al Roumi to …
    I can tell that you had an amazing semester!

  72. comment on: Boycotting bluefin isn’t enough—time to turn on the siren.

    It is very strange how Japan blocked the proposal of CITES to list the bluefin tuna. It is not but a way to protect this species from extinction. Even though Japan’s economy relies on this fishery, extinction of this species will eventually cut the supply of this not only to Japan, Economy itself as a world means “management of the resources”. Therefore, if Japan would keep opposing the listing of bluefin tuna as an endangered species, it would not protect its economy, rather it is destroying it, since eventually, if no action was taken, bluefin tuna will be extinct. Therefore, this is not a reasonable management; it is only the tendency to get easy money without any planes for the future.

  73. Comment on: Mammoth Dust Storm Sweeps China

    The problem in china is that they have a huge population size, with huge economical demands. I think that their strategy is to overexploit all the possible resource now, and hoping for a technological fix in the future. Personally, I don’t think they have an alternative strategy. Of course they are aware of the danger of their behavior but, how are they going to feed all this number of people if they do not do so? How are they going to economically compete with the other countries? Of course, if we want to see a projection in the future, we can expect a huge desertification of the land, with massive soil erosions and drought problem. There are some precaution that could be taken that can dampen this effect… the number of cattle could be easily reduced if the food regime of the Chinese population got back to normal, slightly dependent on meat.

  74. Comment on: Industrial ag once again demanding free pass to crap in your backyard
    All companies are aiming to heighten their economical interest. They are willing to do anything just to get more money. It is not that weird to see companies embracing such a mentality. But what is not acceptable is the legislation of the bad actions of these powerful companies by the controlling agencies that were supposed to “control” such behaviors. It is the absence of control that is transforming our ecosystem to an unsustainable ecosystem. Thus, we should put the sustainability of our ecosystem as our first priority, otherwise, the ecosystem will collapse much sooner than we expected. Today, personal interest of some powerful companies is still having the first priority, which is causing all these problems to our world (nature and humans too).

  75. Comment on: Molecular Evidence Supports Key Tenet Of Darwin’s Evolution Theory

    The theory of evolution is a very controversial theory since some people cannot accept the idea that complex organisms can be derived from very simple forms. It is not only that they cannot accept this theory; they also cannot imagine the process, so they simply deny it. And of course there is a religious opposition of the evolution theory. But more and more evidence are beginning to appear to support that theory, and one of them is the TIM complex evidence that promotes the endosymbiosis theory.

  76. Comment on: Zoologger: Colourful ducks may have fewer sex diseases

    I did not really know how much the duck is sexually active. I once had a male and a female duck but I was not aware of their behavior maybe because I only had one couple. It is also amazing how the female duck can select the more profitable male to breed with… I didn’t know that they have that level of selection

  77. WHY do frogs sing?
    check their singing:
    i found some answers online (more detailed than those in the book)
    Spring Peepers: – females are voiceless
    – males have 3 kinds of calls:
    1- “Peeping” to attract females during breeding season
    (Feb – May). they might call in duets, trios or quartets.
    And the female selects a mate.
    2- “Trill” to warn other males to keep their distance
    3- “Release Call” that identifies them as males
    many more at

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